Friday, April 25

There's an arctic breeze in my room

I need a really long stick, with some kind of poking mechanism, and maybe a rubber stopper, on the end of it. This creation, should it exist, will be used for the very important task of ... turning off the ceiling fan switch from bed. Right now, the fan is on because it got too warm in the bedroom, and then the air conditioner flipped on. So the fan is fanning around all kinds of refrigerated air, and it's getting too cool on my arms and neck and back. And I'm uncomfortable. But the computer is on my lap and I'm not interested in getting up. I need this fan-turner-offer to also be one of those telescoping things, so it won't have to be 10 feet long when it's resting next to me.
Now the a/c has turned off, but I still want the fan off. Where the hell is me telescoping, really long fan turning off poker? I mean, really.

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