Tuesday, January 28

"Hairspray" fixes it all, I suppose

Why, on earth, did I just watch Hairspray? It's the far-superior 1988 rendition, of course, with Ricki Lake and Divine in it, but still, I can't figure out what made me sit and watch it. Her hair is out of control. But really, I think it was to wash the years-old memory of John Travolta as Edna Turnblad out of my head.
Also, it was an ideal balm to having watched the State of the Union address and the Republican rebuttal earlier in the evening. I needed an example of people INTEGRATING ideologies for the betterment of society, to wash down the bitter pill that is contemporary American politics. I find Washington, D.C. to be a horrible place because of the pervasive stench of selfishness and disregard for fellow citizens. In what town do you not clap for improved education, and the availability of that education for all citizens? Oh, that would be D.C. Where do they promote people making health care choices while on the exact same day, try to push through a bill prohibiting women from making their own choices in regards to their own bodies? D.C, of course!
You know what; I actually can't think of a better mental palette cleanser than Hairspray.

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