Monday, April 15

I wish a hug could make it better

My heart is breaking for Boston tonight.
I love that town, and to have something like this happen to it is just awful. Today is Patriots Day, a city-wide holiday in Boston, where everyone is happy. School is out; workers are off; and the Red Sox play an early home game. It's such a happy day, and I hate that now it'll be an anniversary of something terrible.
My apartment in the South End is two blocks from the site. I never had Patriots Day off from work, and for every Patriots Day, I would curse the marathon for making my commute home so brutal. Also, there was trash and silver blankets all over the place.
I loved living in Boston. Not enough to be that far from the family now, but for those four years, it was an excellent place to be. I can only watch this coverage for bits at a time, since it's so sad to me. I just want to go there and hug the city.

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