Sunday, March 31

Breakfast of champions

I love that on Easter it is acceptable, as a parent, to allow your child to eat chocolate for breakfast. That doesn't happen on Christmas, or Halloween, or Arbor Day. Nope, just Easter. And since I am that awesome of a parent, my child was permitted to eat chocolate for breakfast, and some after lunch, and a couple bits before dinner.
But that's it, you know. The rest is mine. I stayed away all day today. I hold no responsibility for what I eat tomorrow while Sydney is at school. Maybe I plow through one of the chocolate bunnies that I hid in the pantry. Maybe I enjoy a line of Peeps. Who knows, maybe I'll just demolish a handful of Tootsie Rolls. Whatever the case, it's all good, and I deserve it. And since I'm the parent, I get to eat whatever I want.

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