Saturday, February 16

It's like an ambush with cookies

ITEM!: I hate it when I'm so tired at the end of the day, but I look back and can see no reason whatsoever to be as tired as I am. I hardly did anything today. Going to the grocery store, eating lunch and packing away the Valentine's Day decorations should not be a reason to be sitting here yawning my head off and fighting to keep my eyes open. And yet ...
ITEM!: I cleaned out my To-Be-Read book pile this afternoon. I will be donating both Life of Pi and The Weird Sisters. I have decided to watch and thoroughly enjoy Life of Pi as a movie, and about the other book, well, I got bored of not wanting to read it next. I think tomorrow I'll get started on Princess Elizabeth's Spy. And then, on to the rest of the pile and the Nook books.
ITEM!: I had an un-delicious experience at SmashBurger today for lunch. This bothers me for a couple reasons, 1. Brian doesn't always love the place, so when he's feeling consensual, the food needs to be awesome, and 2. I hate it when the french fries aren't as good as they usually are. That second reason is totally selfish, because I really love my french fries.
ITEM!: I ate a whole bunch of Girl Scout cookies this afternoon. We knew we were in trouble when we drove up to the grocery store and saw the cookie stand outside the exit. We had thought we were safe because we didn't have any cash, but then I remembered that I did, and told Brian that if he wanted his cookies, he had better by me a box of mine. Turned out to be a good deal for both of us. Not a good deal for the cookies, though. Most of them are dead now.
ITEM!: I'm also running out of pretty blog photos. Time to go on an Internet images stealing spree!!

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