Monday, February 18

I can not tell a lie, it was yummy

We celebrated President's Day by having a Presidents' dinner. We did minimal research, but still came up with a decent menu. Roasted chicken, because Abraham Lincoln enjoyed chicken casserole (Google); broccoli, because Barack Obama has a vegetable garden on the White House property (news sources); garlic bread, because we like Eisenhower's name (made that one up); and cherry pie, because George Washington cut down the cherry tree (folk legend). That was the menu, but what we all actually ate was a bit different. Brian had the chicken and the garlic bread. Sydney ate some chicken and applesauce, which had to be finished before she was allowed to eat a piece of the garlic bread. I ate chicken, a couple clementines, and a pile of garlic bread, because it's one of my favorite things, and because I like and remember the slogan, "I Like Ike."
I enjoy having a themed dinner, even if it didn't go exactly as planned. But Sydney was totally into it, and I know Brian likes it when he comes home and I have some sort of plan for family dinner, rather than, "I don't know. Maybe we could make some sandwiches or I can order a pizza? You feel like driving somewhere?"

Editor's note: Now, having written all that, and then going hunting online for a picture of cherry pie, I discovered that Cherry Pie is a name for a type of marijuana, too. The Internet is educational, my friends.

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