Thursday, February 7

A writer who writes? Weird

I'm feeling a bit foggy tonight.
I think I may be a little bit mentally exhausted.
You see, I'm having a love affair with my computer this week. I've spent countless hours in front of its glowing screen over the last few days. I have a story, and its growing every day. Actually, I have a couple stories. One is just waiting for me to edit it. The other is the reason behind my foggy head right now. Its a good 8,000 words right now, and I can see where I'm about a third of the way into it.
When I'm not typing, I hear the characters and see what's happening next. But what I've discovered is how tiring it can be to churn out words for five hours a day on a computer.
What else is exhausting? Trying to figure out how I'll be able to get another thousand words (or more!) done tomorrow with Brian home. Or over the weekend, with Sydney home.
My angel says take a couple days off.
My devil tells me to plug in and make them fend for themselves for an hour or so.
Or is that vice versa?

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