Friday, December 28

Yay Christmas presents!!

I got an abundance of randomly awesome Christmas presents this year:
Bright Pink Footie Pajamas, which I am wearing right now, and they are super warm. Except I feel like they could totally use a hood, since I'm discovering that the back of my neck is cool. Ollie and Daisy have no idea what to make of the owl-decorated foots of the pajamas.
Lava Lamp, with black lava in clear liquid, is bubbling away in my bedroom right now, and it's making me feel very zen. I miss having a lava lamp in my house.
iPhone Cleaning Cloth, which will come in handy, as I am tired of wiping the things on my pants and wondering why exactly that doesn't get them as clean as I'd like. Also, texting gloves.
Books, Books, Books, which is exciting because I actually got to pick a couple out during our stop in Barnes & Noble, but also, the priceless-no-matter-the-value B&N gift card. I have got to get to reading soon.
Reading Glasses, which have been ordered, so I don't have them yet, but I am looking forward to having them soon. I think I (we) chose a nice and flattering frame, and I'm hoping to get used to them relatively quickly. I freak out a little about them, and my god what if they don't work, at least once or twice a day.

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