Friday, December 7

Friday night ITEM!s

ITEM!: I love that on Friday night, as I tuck my kid in and tell her I love her, I can say, "Tomorrow is Saturday; you know that that means!" And she says, "You get to sleep in!" It would be better if she actually adhered to that, but I suppose it's the little victories. I mean, she knows I get to sleep in, but won't really let me.
ITEM!: There is a monstrous pile of magazines and catalogs on the floor of my bedroom. I keep telling myself that I'll power through them in an hour, turning them into fodder for recycling, but instead, every day, they keep multiplying. We'll make that a High Priority for the weekend.
ITEM!: I like it when my dogs remind me how totally chill they are, and how good they can be. Of course, I know that they're good dogs. And I know that they're well behaved. But when we bring home a friend of Sydney's, and there's no barking, no growling, and no undue activity, it makes me very happy. Daisy, my barker, did very little noise making. Oliver, my anti-player, even let Jaclyn give him a hug and sit next to him on the sofa. Daisy played fetch, and even gave out some kisses. Oliver begged for a treat as only he can, and both charmed Jaclyn. My kids rock.
ITEM!: I am very pleased that it's not even 10:30 p.m. yet, and I'm tired and almost ready for bed. My dogs are cozy on the bed, and I can think of nothing better than cuddling in with them right now.

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