Friday, November 16

Tonight, I catch up on my ZZZZsssss

I wish I could adequately explain, in beautifully descriptive words, how frickin' tired I am. I can't remember the last time I actually had to function through a day with only three hours of sleep the night before. Tonight, once I'm done with this blog post, I'm off to bed. No hanging out with the television, and no loitering on my phone. I managed to sneak a 20-minute doze in this afternoon but that's the extent of my sleep for Thursday night.
The reason for my lack of sleep, the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn: Part 2, was worth it, as I thoroughly enjoyed a night out with a friend. As for the theater experience itself, it was not as entertaining or insane or loud as I had thought. We arrived at the theater a few minutes after 10 p.m.; they allowed us into our movie at 10:30 p.m., and we were able to find good seats, and then sit comfortably for 90 minutes until the movie started. Of course, the place was full, but it wasn't bursting. I mean, the seats on each side of Marlo and I, between us and the next group of movie watchers, were empty. And the forward bunch of seats were relatively empty. The theater had four or five screens showing the movie.
It was, for a midnight show of a teenybopper romance movie, a pleasant evening. We had a drink at Cheesecake, got some coffee at Starbucks, and chilled out and chatted. The movie itself was good, too, offering a cute twist to the book, surprising us all.
And then I came home, and had to stare at an alarm clock that would buzz in my ear just a bit more than three hours later. Tonight, I'm all over turning off my alarm.

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