Tuesday, September 25

Yeah, this is a post about that

It's official. I can't be a woman with long fingernails anymore. Back in the day, I was a huge fan of long fingernails. I'd grow them as long as I could. Then came a life with typing. But really, when it came time to type as a career, I embraced a life with short fingernails. (There's a point to this, I promise.) Most people who have ever sat next to me while I've typed on a keyboard know that I tend to pound a bit on the keys, making a whole lot of noise as I go through my words. But mostly, I type with the tips of my fingers, not the pads, which accounts for the pounding.
Anyway, that's how I type.
So it should come as no surprise, especially when we factor in how neurotic I am about such things, that I don't like to type when my nails get too long. It bothers me when my nails tap on the keys. It's like tapping them on a chalkboard as far I'm concerned. Bothersome and making me have the chills.
Anyway, this morning I trimmed my nails so they're nice and short again. They were too long this weekend, which also is a reason why I didn't type much the last few days. (See! The point! More reasoning behind my being so quiet this past weekend!)
Also, if you're looking to be grossed out a little, do a search for fingernail images. Yuck.

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