Friday, September 16

I didn't flip out ... at all

Two things happened today that, typically, would have sent me into a bit of a tizzy.
1. I spilled about two inches of fresh, iced green tea in my lap, in the car, in the drive-thru at Starbucks this morning. The transfer of the drink in my reusable cup went perfectly well. In fact, I even got the top mostly screwed on. And there in is the problem. Mostly screwed on means that it's not all the way screwed on. I went to set the cup in my cup holder, holding it by the top itself, and it slipped off. The cup bounced, and the tea and a whole bunch of ice went up and down, in, and then out of the cup and all over my lap and the seat and the parking break handle. It was cold.
But, I held myself together, didn't cuss at all, and pulled over into the Taco Bell parking lot. I got out, dropped as much ice as I could get onto the ground, fished a towel out of the trunk, and dried myself off. And still, no cussing. Not even a bad or angry thought. I got a giggle out of it, and called both Brian and Mom to tell them about my wet pants.
2. Sydney found a not-at-all-for-kids movie on Netflix tonight, and watched about 10 minutes of it before she brought the iPad to me because the activity was concerning her. By way of explanation: Sydney knows how to spell "dinosaur" and does searches on Netflix for dinosaur movies and television shows all the time. Mostly, she finds cartoons, but every once in a while, she'll find a documentary or science special, and watch those.
Tonight's search yielded the far more disturbing, "A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell." The scene she brought me was of three cavemen knocking down, and holding down, a "nymphoid barbarian." During this struggle, Sydney brought the iPad to me, so she didn't see the end of the scene, even though it didn't get much heavier than the fight, but one of the men was on top of her. I stopped the movie. We had a conversation about how she can only watch dinosaur cartoons. That didn't go so well, since she's convinced that every dinosaur movie and television show is automatically okay for her to watch. Still, I didn't freak out, even with Brian's assertion that our daughter had been watching porn.
I dealt with both of these incidents without any raised voice, and with no undue mental somersaults. I feel like I was incredibly even-keeled today. Not bad for a Friday.

1 comment:

Susan S. said...

I have been SO waiting for something like your "dinosaur" incident to happen here. Found Daniel paging through ON-DEMAND on our cable box the other day looking for Spongebob. And he was in the right spot! I've really gotta find the parental controls on that box soon. Thanks for the LOL!