Sunday, April 17

I'm liking these red ones!

I've discovered that the headaches and bad mood swings that I seem to develop while, and after, riding around in Brian's car is due to one big thing: the sunshine. The fact that I do not seem to have an "extra" pair of sunglasses around to put in Brian's car is ridiculous to me. So, I'm off to Target tomorrow (since really, I haven't been there in two whole days), to pick up some Brian's Car Sunglasses.
But I think I do have an extra, cool pair somewhere for the pool. Actually, I have one pair that are so wide they fall off my head. I need to get them tightened. And maybe, after doing that, I won't need any new glasses. Yes, that's the ticket. I need to inventory what I've got, and then move on from there. So first, tomorrow, I dig around in the car and collect any and all sunglasses and cases.

I'm also pretty happy with the swimming pool downstairs in the apartment building. We've been down three times so far in the last few days, and the experiences have been good ones. Even yesterday, when the place was pretty full up with college kids, Sydney and I found our little corner, and she got to jump around and swim here and there. The water is still a bit too cold for a completely comfortable swim though (which is why I'm still sporting shorts and shirts to the pool; Sydney is the only one eager enough to jump in), so our visits have been short and sweet. Give it another couple weeks though, and the water will be a nice, balmy temperature for both of us to enjoy.
In Our Corner though, we've decided to name the trees that give us the most shade (Max and Lucy), and Sydney also decided that the pool itself needed a name: The Big Pond.
I'm looking forward to spending time at the pool this summer. It'll be a good energy release for Sydney, and will be a perfect afternoon adventure for us, too.

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