Tuesday, January 18

38 is the new 23

Reread that headline. Such was my Facebook status going into today.
Yep, one more year, another birthday. I won't lie to you, this one is completely weird. Don't get me wrong, I had a wonderful day today. I got a ton of birthday messages, had dinner with a fantastic group of ladies (GIRL PARTY!!), and basically enjoyed getting my own way all day. Sydney, of course, took issue with my birthday privileges, telling Mom tonight that I was too bossy today, and that she had to talk to me about it. I ignored the criticism, and kept going on about my own birthday business.
DIGRESSION: I just saw an ad for Royal Caribbean cruise lines, and suddenly really, really want to go on a cruise with my husband. That looked too fun, and must be done right now.
Well, as I am now 38 years old, I also am too tired to stay up too late tonight.

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