Friday, September 24

Friday's ITEM! list

ITEM!: I just sent off a couple more resumes to a couple random places. One, a video game manufacturer looking for a content writer. Two, a couple art publications looking for an assistant editor. Let's see if we get any bites from those.
ITEM!: Someone at Sydney's school must have referred to her friend, Cameron, as her "boyfriend" on Monday. Because now, it's become a common phrase when she's talking about Cameron. Brian thinks it's funny, and asks her all kinds of questions about her "boyfriend." Me, I am not amused. I had hoped that we would at least get to kindergarten before we had to dive into the social complications of boyfriends and girlfriends. I understand that, as far as Sydney is concerned, Cameron is just a boy who's a friend, but the cuteness factor of the phrasing is lost on me. I sound like an overprotective, crazy mom, but it's my intention to keep Sydney's life as uncomplicated as possible, and other kids hearing Cameron is her "boyfriend" open her up to more social situations than I'm comfortable with her having to handle. I presume it was a teacher who said the word in passing, because I haven't ever said it to or about her and Cameron's friendship, and I doubt the other kids are that sophisticated. I'm disappointed actually, that already she's thrown into a world where a boy who's a friend must be a boyfriend. I know I'm overreacting to this, but it's bugging me.
ITEM!: OMG, get Lindsay Lohan in jail and throw away the key! Who does this girl think she is that she can just go about her business with no respect for the law or the trouble she's in? I'm over her, and I'm bored with coverage of her on TV and the Internets.
ITEM!: I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for the Britney Spears episode of Glee next Tuesday night! I'm obsessing over the previews and teases on Facebook, and I can't stop thinking about it! I know I'll love it, and I can't wait to watch it over and over and over.

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