Thursday, September 16

Banjos and bedtime

ITEM!: Steve Martin has joined Twitter, and my goodness, Twitter is so much better because of it. A couple examples: "OMG. President Lincoln has been shot! Wait, whoa, my internet connection is SUH-LOW." "Just learned that Alec Baldwin doesn’t have a book on the NYTimes list. YEAH! Alec Baldwin: nowheresville. Steve Martin: 6. I love 6!" "By the way, it's a beautiful day where I am. I only wish I were where I am." "Idiot in front of me is TEXTING WHILE DRIVING. This is annoying: I have coffee in my right hand, so I have to type this with my left thumb!" "Just did interview with NYT about Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Banjo & Bluegrass. Didn't like his first question: What’s a banjo?"
NOT AN ITEM!: It's weird, but I actually got really bored sitting here watching TV right now. Of course, I'm all done with The Vampire Diaries, a show that I always miss the second it's over. But I'm sitting here yawning, not finding anything to watch, and thinking, "Then why the hell is the TV still on? Turn it off and go to bed." Hmmmm .... Thank you, I think I will!

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