Friday, July 16

Pretty flowers are better than vomit

You never realize what a treat it is to have a kid who doesn't throw up all over the place, until you have a kid who throws up all over the place. I had perhaps one of the longest nights last night, as Sydney's stomach decided to evacuate itself about five times throughout the dark hours, starting at 11:30 p.m., and the final event happening at 4:30 a.m. this morning. It was awful: so much dirty laundry, and so many dirty linens and stuffed toys. Perhaps the worst part was the fact that Bear got nailed in the first explosion, so Sydney had to sleep last night without Bear for the first time in her life. That did not go well. I changed her bedding three times, used up countless towels, and we went through three changes of clothes. Poor baby girl. More heartbreaking was that she felt she needed to apologize for "coughing," and then reassure me by saying, "I'm okay, Mommy. I'm okay." She ate nothing but a couple Cheerios all day, and drank nothing but water (not by her choice, by mine. She wanted milk. I said, "Uh, no"). She spent most of the day curled up on the sofa, and at bedtime, just crawled into bed without a story. Lullabies though, were still required. She's been sleeping for almost two hours now, and I'm hoping that this continues throughout the night. Please, please, please, no more vomit!!
All this, of course, comes on the night before Sydney was supposed to spend the night in Tucson with her Auntie Lisa, so Brian and I could have a night to ourselves. We didn't have any real plans, but we were looking forward to catching a movie and having dinner. Lisa came up to Phoenix anyway, as we decided to play the day loosely. Sydney was too sick to got to Tucson, but Lisa did do the awesome by volunteering to watch Sydney for the afternoon while Brian and I went to the movies. YAY!! We saw Eclipse. I am disappointed to say that I found the film to be pretty cheesy. Once again, so much DRAMA and ANGST. I get that they're all teenagers, but really. I got bored during the big, heavy, emotional scenes, and could do nothing but fidget until it got to the action sequences ... which I thought were good. So much heartbreak, and undying love. It got kinda ridiculous. I'll definitely get the DVD and watch the movie again, but today's viewing left me drained in patience for the characters, and anxious for the story's ending.

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