Monday, July 19

Maybe if I bring some pretty cupcakes

I was not at all prepared for a family sick weekend. Brian and I had great plans, and Sydney was going to stay in Tucson with Lisa. I told you all about that. What surprised me was the intensity with which this illness also kicked Brian and I in the gut, keeping us in bed and too weak to stand for more than a minute or two all day Saturday. I've never left my girl to her own distractions as much as I did Saturday, doing little more than setting up her pillow and blanket on the sofa, settling the television to Nick, Jr., and getting her water or a snack here and there when she woke me up for it. She was still recovering, too, so she slept away the day plenty as well, but I honestly can not tell you what my kid did all day. I was too out of it to notice. Even Brian asked me Saturday night about what Sydney had done all day. She slept, drank water, and was a rock star kid who survived on her own just fine while Mommy and Daddy suffered. As I told Brian, I guess that's what happens when you're elbow-deep in vomit for 36 hours. You catch the bug, too.
* * A big shout-out to Katy, who brought us Gatorade! * *
Anyway, we felt a lot better yesterday, though only left the house for a short and ultimately painful lunch experience. Today, we felt even better. Still, I broke a sweat making Syd's cereal. I made it to the gym, but did only a minimal workout, since Dan didn't want me passing out on the floor. Sydney and I spent the rest of the day at home, after a short trip to the grocery store.
While at home though, I did my homework for the second interview at the potential new job tomorrow morning. (Another shout-out to Nicole, who is watching Sydney for me while I'm doing the pretty!) They want story pitches and ideas for the site. I had planned on getting all that done by Sunday afternoon so I could think on them all day Monday, and then have them prepared perfectly for Tuesday morning. Sick ruined that plan, so instead, I brainstormed my pitches and ideas this afternoon, hastily typed them up, and then e-mailed them tonight to my interviewer. My remaining sick, what there is of it, and the haste with which I completed my homework bodes well for the interview, as I always interview better when I'm slightly off my game.

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