Monday, June 14

*sigh* ... Of course. ... *sigh*

Okay, I'm exhausted; I have a ton of laundry to do; I can't think of a single thing to do with Nicole, Ella and Aidan tomorrow; and, to top it off, my "Malfunction Indicator Light" must really mean something, because my car died tonight in front of the grocery store. Well, it didn't really die, but after the car turned on and the engine started, after about five seconds, the battery light on the dash would flash and the car would turn off by itself. This, is a problem. It took about six starts for the car to stay on long enough for me to put it into gear and start the car moving. And I swear, I didn't let the car come to a complete stop the entire way home. The basic reaction is, of course, why the hell is this light still on and I haven't called the VW people? No idea. But I did call my good friend, Neil (err, his voice mail, since it was 7 p.m.), and let him know that I'd be bringing the car in about 7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning, and let the good VW peeps take a look at the vehicle.
For the first time though, I'll need a rental car. I've got so much other stuff going on tomorrow, and I need a car. Specifically, a car that starts, goes and stops with no muss or fuss.

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