Saturday, June 26

Are you mad as a hatter?

I didn't think I would thoroughly enjoy Alice in Wonderland, but I did. I'm not usually much of a Tim Burton fan, though I do love me some Johnny Depp. Brian bought the DVD a few weeks ago, and it's been sitting on the movie shelf since then. I was unexpectedly pleased when he chose it as our Saturday night movie.
Now, I'm super glad we watched it, because it was way cuter than I had thought it would be! Conclusions: Sure, Depp was creepy, but that was his character's charm; I loved the actress who played Alice; and my goodness, if I could get even half of Alice's dresses hanging in my closet, I would be so happy! Especially the red one!!
The movie itself was visually stunning, and coolly colorful. Also, it had a neat bit of emotional heft to it. I had fun looking through movie pics to find something to post here on the blog! In a nutshell and down a rabbit hole, I would recommend!

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