Monday, May 17

Super food for boys, not so much for girls

I just read an interesting article on Yahoo!'s Shine page, about the super foods that treat each gender better than the other. It wouldn't surprise any of you, of course, to learn that some foods are better for men than women, and vice versa. The article names the top five foods for each gender, and spells out why each is better for them. I'll give them to you, with abbreviated information. (Read the full article here.)
For men: 1.) Tomato sauce, because of the red sauce may give them a hedge against prostate cancer. 2.) Oysters, because of the high level of zinc, a mineral critical for normal functioning of the reproductive system. 3.) Broccoli, which may protect against bladder cancer. 4.) Peanut butter, which helps the levels of "good" cholesterol in the body, and lowers the "bad." 5.) Watermelon, which is high in potassium, can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
For women: 1.) Papaya, with its high level of Vitamin C, fights gallbladder disease. 2.) Flaxseed, which is rich in estrogen, is a potential weapon against breast cancer. 3.) Tofu, because it's high in soy protein, can minimize menopausal hot flashes and strengthen bone. 4.) Buffalo meat, with its high level of iron, can help raise levels of iron in the blood, and boost energy levels. 5.) Collard greens, may help fight osteoporosis.
Can any woman reading this list not have a gripe with it? Why is it that we should eat collard greens and tofu, while men are encouraged to enjoy peanut butter and watermelon? How is this fair? I think a man wrote this article so he can have an argument for eating all the pizza or pasta, leaving his wife with nothing but tofu in the refrigerator! This is violently unfair!
? Really??

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