Wednesday, May 12

Shuttle launch on Friday that I won't see :(

As someone who is obsessed with being an astronaut, and would really love to see a shuttle launch in person, I find that am remarkably easy going about the upcoming shuttle launch this week, the third to last shuttle launch ever. Tuesday began the official countdown for the Shuttle Atlantis' launch on Friday afternoon. There are only two launches after this, those of shuttles Discovery and Endeavour. I imagine that I will not make it to one of the last two launches, either, which is a total drag.
It's weird to realize that a bizarrely impossible to attain fantasy of mine will actually never, ever come to fruition. I mean the becoming an astronaut part. I actually could go see a shuttle launch. I just haven't ... yet. But really, my "yet" there is silly. I can't picture myself flying cross-country, with my husband and baby, to probably sit on a bit of beach watching what could be one of the coolest things ever to see.
This is beginning to sound quite self-pitying, but really, it's more disappointing and depressing. Blah, blah, blah, sad that I haven't seen it. Hmmmm....

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