Thursday, May 13

Looking forward to September already!

I mean, I don't really love them, love them, because they drive me batty, but in general, I love getting sucker punched by my television shows. And the knowledge that I'll have to wait months to find out what happens next puts a weird little spring in my step. Lost has a tendency to mess with me every year. This year, it's final, shouldn't be an issue. I also remember a particularly crazy Alias cliffhanger.
The show behind tonight's blog post though, is The Vampire Diaries. When I signed up for this show, I knew I'd like it because I've got a random fascination with vampire lore. I had no idea that it would become a small-screen obsession. The best part about this show is that it constantly delivers. Sure, there are mysteries, but so many answers are given, too. And my goodness, so much goes on in every episode! Tonight's made me wish I had someone to text right away, and be like, "HOLY CRAP!! DID YOU SEE THAT??"
I can't wait to find out what happens next. I'm pleased as punch to know that there will be a second season of Vampire Diaries. I don't know what date it begins, but when I find out, I'll mark it on my calendar. I do that. My September calendar is filled to the brim with season premieres. That makes me happy. I'm a simple television addict. I love my shows.

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