Wednesday, May 5

Is he kinda grabbing her boob?

Today, my three kids and I traveled from Arizona to California. I learned a couple things.
* When both my dogs are sitting in the passenger seat of my car, their combined weight sets of the seat belt indicator light and warning siren. Thankfully, the sound was not as loud as my radio.
* People in regular travel lanes look at you all smug-like when they happen to be going faster than you are in the carpool lane.
* When you aren't passing people (which is the case on several stretches of Interstate 1o going through the desert between the hours of 5 a.m. and 8 a.m.) you can't really tell that you're going that fast.
* Just because, theoretically, waking the baby up and then moving her directly into the car seat should be a quick switch of sleeping venues, doesn't make it so. On some occasions, that baby may choose to stay awake for the next six hours, and then only sleep the last 75 minutes of the drive.
* When there's no second adult to corral the dogs into the places they should be for the drive, they tend to just run amok wherever they wish. This is not always comfortable, convenient, or safe.
* A dog will make itself comfortable, however bizarrely contorted it seems to be, if that means it can sleep on your lap.
* It is possible for a mid- to late-30s mom to function off five hours of sleep; 6.5 hours of driving; constant and undeniable attention seeking from three children; and a Carnation breakfast drink.

Dancing with the Stars: I figured it would be Pamela Anderson's night to exit the dance floor, and I'm okay with that. After this though, it'll get tough!

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