Friday, March 5

Watching the "Parenthood"

I'm watching that Parenthood show right now. I recorded it from earlier in the week, and am just now sitting down to enjoy it. You know who drew me to it, is the actress Lauren Graham. I love her from Gilmore Girls, and was so excited to see that she was attached to another television show. But there are a ton of recognizable faces on this show.
Currently though, it's being presented to me with limited commercial interruptions by Nissan, which also ferries families around. Not at all lost on me are the commercial breaks bursting with, yes, Nissan ads, but also with ads for the show ... Parenthood. Weird? Seems like a lost opportunity to promote other shows, like Chuck, who need the extra attention.
I'm about done with it now, and think I'll be keeping it on my viewing rotation. The last thing in the world I need is another show to watch, as I am being drawn into the world of Dancing with the Stars against my will, but I'll work on this one. I'm still bummed that I let The Good Wife get away from me over the last several months. I need more hours in the day to watch television, you know ... more hours.

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