Sunday, March 21

The weekend in three points

1. We did buy and watch New Moon yesterday. What I liked about it was that both Brian and I were okay with fast-forwarding through the boring parts. What I didn't like was that I was suddenly bored with the way Edward and Bella stared at each other. Last night, I found myself, honestly, rolling my eyes. Teenagers and vampires are SO DRAMATIC.
2. Brian, Sydney and I looked at bikes today. We might actually buy some next weekend. Don't laugh. It has been decided though that with my bike, we'll get a trailer rather than a sit-behind seat. We don't really want me to be responsible for both of us on the bike, instead of just me, who can fall off a bike at any time due to faulty balance issues. I shall keep you updated on that.
3. I like it better when Sydney naps during the day, but when she doesn't, this going right to sleep at night without any drama thing is AWESOME.

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