Tuesday, December 29

Red looked Christmasier

I've spent the last two nights uploading Christmas music into my iTunes for both my, and Mom's, new holiday music iPods. The idea is something I've held close to my heart for a couple years as a fruitless and completely whimmish gift idea. Brian has rebuffed the idea as ridiculous for those couple years I've mentioned it. This year though, Mom happened to call me while I was driving around in the car thinking about two things: I would really like a Michael Buble Christmas CD; and I would really appreciate an iPod dedicated to my own favorite Christmas music so I could listen to it in the car, or through my iPod speakers at home. Mom, of course, came through in a bright lights fashion. I now have my very own red iPod Nano, completely and utterly dedicated to the music of the season. And it is AWESOME!! It'll be perfect for next year, when I can stomach listening to Christmas carols again...

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