Saturday, September 19

They are awful, awful plants

I am such a lightweight lately! I had, like, two margaritas at a birthday party this afternoon, and then, when I got home, had to lay down and sleep it off for 90 minutes. That ... is pathetic. It's embarrassing. And I'm disappointed in myself. Two drinks? Really? The headache is still floating around within though. At least I didn't get all crazy buzzed or nauseous from them, so that's something.
What did get taken care of this early evening was another one of my bizarre little household irritations. Explanation: As I've been driving through the neighborhood lately, or when Sydney and I take the dogs for their walk, I've noticed how nicely trimmed my neighbors' front yards are looking. Mine, on the other hand, has four big, overgrown white oleanders (which I HATE), and, what we just discovered yesterday, is a large lime tree. The whole thing looks a mess, and every time I drive up to the house over the last 10 days, I hate it. Those oleanders are just hanging out and taking up the entire front yard!! Ugly!
Anyway, I got Brian outside with the big pruning shears, and he trimmed down one of the oleanders. (The one right next to the front gate.) It's looking much cleaner out there already. The plant has been trimmed down to the same height as the front wall, which is about three feet tall. By the time he finished with that one, the trash can was full, so we'll have to wait until after Tuesday's trash pickup to take care of another one. But that other huge oleander in front of the big window in front of the house needs to be pulled out entirely. I think I'd like to put a big bougainvillea in that space instead. I can't see out my front windows because of these wretched plants, and it's driving me crazy. It's weird: Big, ugly, poisonous plants tend to bother me a lot.

1 comment:

Steph said...

i was quite proud of your 2 margaritas...