Sunday, September 27

I've got some work to do at the woodpile

I used to be really good about getting to bed on time. I love to sleep, and I'm really good at it. I can get by on less than eight hours per night, but prefer to get at least that. For whatever reason, I've had a really hard time getting to bed before midnight for the last two weeks. That kind of behavior does little for my energy level or attitude. Between just being tired, and the metaphorical Ambien that is sitting and watching cartoons with Sydney in the cozy chair, I've had a rough afternoon and evening today. I've yawned more than five times already while composing this blog post. I could really use a good amount of sleep. My typical bedtime is 11 p.m. I heard once that every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours of sleep after midnight. While the earliest I can get my butt into bed is usually around 10:30 p.m., I completely buy this argument. And I think it's right. I never feel better than in the mornings after I've turned the lights off before 11 p.m. So, tonight, I reinstate the 11 p.m. bedtime.
Check me out, it's 10:30 p.m., and I've already finished up with my farm, my television and DVR, my kitchen, and my kid (unless she wakes up with the need to pee). 'Night.

Update: Now, it's 10:55 p.m., and I've got only five minutes to get into bed for sleep. Damn. I'll hurry.

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