Sunday, August 2

No constellations, just random placement

Well, Sydney's room is finished now. Late this afternoon, Brian and I FINALLY took the 15 minutes necessary to apply all the glow-in-the-dark stars to her bedroom ceiling. Don't ask me why such a thing is imperative to the decoration of a room. Instead, try to imagine her face this evening when she first saw the stars on the ceiling, and then the absolute awe in her eyes when I turned off the lamp and she saw them glowing.
Of course, she also had the stars in her last bedroom, but was too young when we put them up to notice, and then by the time she probably did notice them, just didn't even think twice about them. "Mom, don't ALL bedrooms have stars on their ceilings?" "No, honey, not ALL people's bedrooms. Yours certainly always will though."

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