Tuesday, July 28

Trading one hormone source for another

Mom tells me that she's surprised that I shared so much information in the last post. She already knew all about it, of course, but she didn't figure I'd go into so much detail online. I was all, "Whatever; they're my peeps!"
But, in light of the tiny bit of conscience that now weighs on me, I shall apologize if I may have offended you, or made you think poorly of me for sharing so much ... ... ... ... ... And I also invite you to leave the blog, because if that bothered you, you may be just a bit too timid to hang out here. We don't walk on egg shells around here (unless I do); we don't avoid uncomfortable subjects (unless I do); we don't keep secrets (unless I do); and we certainly do talk about everything (unless I don't).
In that, I will tell you that my IUD removal did not hurt AT ALL. In fact, as the nurse practitioner was telling me about how it wouldn't hurt, she removed it. At the end of her statement, she added, "And now we're done." I'm all, "Huh?" She goes, "Yeah." I'm like, "Awesome." I start back on my pills tomorrow. And that's that. I'll let you know when I'm feeling svelte again.

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