Monday, July 27

I just hope it doesn't hurt too much

I told you all about having my IUD (inter-uterine device) installed, and now, I'll tell you about having it removed. Simply put: I've been having issues with my body lately. For the last several months, I've noticed a very noticeable ... umm ... roll of belly excess that has appeared on my stomach and around my waist. Also, I've been dealing with ... wait for it ... acne on my face. My annoyance with these two little gems of esteem issues had me bitching, loudly, to my husband just last week. For your interest, an excerpt:
"Where the hell have these 15 pounds come from? It makes no sense whatsoever that, all of a sudden, my stomach seems to be giggling at me as I walk toward a mirror. I've never HAD such belly fat! And now that I'm working out as often as I can, I'm STILL not losing any weight or noticeable inches from my center of gravity?! WTF?! There HAS TO BE an explanation!
"And this face! I have NEVER had such recurring acne on my face! Not even in HIGH SCHOOL! How is all this happening to me?! HELP ME FIGURE IT OUT!!"
Brian quickly got on his computer and Googled the IUD and found several, several pages on its side effects. Apparently, weight gain and acne are two of the more common side effects. As are mood swings. (I don't think I have the mood swings; when asked, Brian just rolled his eyes and said, "Of course not.")
So, you know what? Vanity has taken precedence over convenience. I'd rather have a regular period and take a pill every day than deal with this tummy, and these zit issues. I made my decision, and my appointmet, and tomorrow, I have the IUD removed. (Now, don't any of you get any funky ideas about how I may have softened my opinion on another kid or anything. Totally not the case.) But knowing now that the IUD will make me, er, poochier, than I ever have been in my life, and a bit zittier, too, I'll stick with the pill.
As they say, it's all fun and games until someone gains weight and gets a zit. Then, the game becomes, Get Rid of the Weight and the Zit.

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