Monday, June 15

I say, Grrr. *spit* Grrr.

ITEM!: I've got a friend who isn't a friend, but is friends with all my friends, but doesn't want to be friends with me and vice versa. If you knew the topic, you would totally get that, but I didn't write it for everyone to get. I just wrote it to throw it out there, and see how it would stick. What's bugging me is that this is bugging me. I would rather be over it, but I think it'll follow me around for a little while longer. Even though my one friend, who is friends with my non-friend, said I am better off not being friends.
ITEM!: I fear that my dogs just don't eat enough when I'm not home. I swear, they are neglected, unfed and thirsty when I walk back into my house, even though their water dish is full ... and has a backup, the food bowl also is full, and they're sleeping contentedly when I enter the domicile. Because once I get home and all the welcome love is done, the two of them spend hours eating, drinking, chewing on toys, rubbing their faces on me, and giving me arms for treats. Poor dears!
ITEM!: I think we need to buy a lawn mower. I know, I know, you're all, "What? You don't have a lawn mower?" No, we don't. And my grass must be happy in my backyard, because it is getting pretty tall. Not too tall ... yet ... but it's getting there.
ITEM!: I'm already making my pile of stuff to take back to Cali next week when we return for Vince and Tania's wedding. A super quick weekend, to be sure, but certainly an entertaining one, since we're driving and bringing the dogs with us.

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