Tuesday, June 9

Do frogs eat mosquitos?

Have I told you that we've been having mosquito issues in and around our house lately? I think it's because of the grass and how often I have to water it. But jeez, I've got a ton of bites on my legs (from watering the grass at night), and a couple on my arms. Brian contends he has them everywhere, and they are so awful! Between the two of us, we've been killing the little bastards whenever we can, but they move so frickin' fast. In fact, I just moved my arm to move the phone, and I swear that one just flew right past me. I hate them. Every spring in Boston, I would inevitably have some industrious mosquito in my apartment that would bite me two times on the face. My face would then swell up a bit and go kind of numb. Odd, and seemingly only a Boston thing, but every night, when I know there are mosquitoes around, I worry that the next morning I'll wake up feeling like a balloon.
Right now, every time something tickles my skin, I'm smacking the area. I hate this.

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