Thursday, April 30

Awkward, and then boring

I'm not exactly sure why I did this, but I took the time to check the Arizona Department of Public Safety's web site to see if any sex offenders live in my neighborhood. I'm thankful that there are none residing in my zip code, according to the registrar. But the whole time the search page was loading, I could think of little else but the fear that there was some kind of pedophile living next door to me here. It was a huge relief to find that the search came up negative. Still, I wonder what I would do differently if there was ... besides not allow her in the front yard by herself EVER; and invest in the locked gate TOMORROW that I've been avoiding for the last month. Scary stuff, actually. I can totally see me going completely nuts and keeping her within eyesight every second of every day.
But, enough of that.
I think I'm ready for all my company this weekend. I did make it to Target and The Home Depot today, and my house is looking pretty awesome, if I can say. There are flowers, lights in my atrium, and the last picture frame has been hung. I'm ready, if it's possible, for this whole thing to happen. I think. Ugh.

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