Sunday, March 8

Three topics, one low price!

We filled out our rental application for the house this afternoon. Brian liked it, too, and we're getting excited about moving. I'm getting super nervous and stressed too, as this is the beginning of a rough couple weeks. Packing? Moving estimates? Random fixes to the house? Ack! I'll go by U-Haul tomorrow and pick up my first batch of boxes. I am concerned about how many I'll be able to get in the car, especially with someone else sitting in the backseat.
Brian and I watched a couple shows on TLC tonight about morbidly obese people getting gastric bypass surgery at a hospital in Texas. (Why? No idea!) I was completely grossed out by them, sadly, and continuously fought the urge to run into the bathroom and purge myself of the bowl of macaroni and cheese I had for dinner. Instead, I'll keep going to the gym, and will endeavor to cut back even more on the junk food. What did I have in common with these people? I enjoy McDonald's, too. What was not in common? I stop at one burger. They had several.
Also, I joined Twitter. I'm not going to describe the service, because I'm fairly certain that it's a creepy and self-indulgent way to get your voice, whether interesting or not, out into the world. I think I may cancel the account tomorrow, as I've already got my way of doing that (hint: You're reading it!). Still, now that I consider canceling it, I also reconsider canceling it. I may just choose to hold onto it, so if I need it (or the account), I've got it.

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