Sunday, January 18

36 is, after all, only a number. Ugh ... 36

As far as birthdays go, this one was pretty good. I mean, well, 36 is 36. But beyond that, it was a nice day! My lunch plans went awry because the P.F. Chang's Rock n Roll Marathon had us penned in a 10-square block area surrounding our apartment. My options were Taco Bell, McD's, Red Lobster and Olive Garden. My goodness, the lesser of four evils. Olive Garden, it was. But after lunch, and once we got Sydney down for her nap, Brian and I settled in to the sofa and the first football game of the day, well, that's when the world went all topsy-turvy.
Did you all see that game? Do you all even believe that the Cardinals are going to the Super Bowl? CRAZY! It's like we live in an alternate universe! It just looks all weird to have the Cardinals bird sitting in the graphics promoting the Big Game. Weird. But, like I told Josh on Facebook, we're compelled to cheer for the Cardinals now, simply because it gets really hot here during the summer, and the people here need something to be happy about.
Anyway, I got all kinds of birthday wishes throughout the day from all my favorite people (To Daddy: Sydney made me replay that animated dog card about a hundred times! She loved it!), which aways makes me happy! Except for the numbers increasing, birthdays are really very good days for me. I like them. Sadly, I didn't have any official birthday cake (which was fine), nor did I have any cupcakes (which also was fine), but I did finish all the bundlets and had one of Brian's pomegranate/dark chocolate Haagen Dazs confections from the freezer (not fine, but they tasted really good!). Add to that all the wishes from all of you, and my day was not a neglected one! That's the best kind of birthday!

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