Wednesday, August 20

She's a Cancer, born on June 23

If a new relationship that has been picking up speed suddenly comes to a screeching halt, right now, don't worry! This is not a bad sign that means things are not going to work out between the two of you. It is merely a change, and you should not read anything into it. If communication doesn't pick up again in a few days, then it is perfectly reasonable for you to find out what's up. But don't freak out right away. You will send out desperate vibes, and that is not who you are.

Is it at all wrong that this horoscope totally hits to the heart of what my issue is lately ... if we put it in perspective of Daisy in my house? Oh yes, we've been doing fine, and rolling along wonderfully. But last night we made a visit to the animal emergency clinic because of a protracted rectum muscle. Sexy, yes? Apparently, little miss ended up pushing too hard at some point yesterday afternoon and popped her poop muscle. The vet pushed it back in (too much information today? You get the bad with the good, my readers), and applied a compress. All is well today, though she's a bit sore, and my job over the next few days is to just watch her butt carefully, apply a compress if it happens again, and keep her on soft food to lessen any effort she must put forth. (Have I told you lately how awesome it is to be the mom?)
But to the point of the horoscope: weird, huh? How it almost nailed the situation right on the head? I guess I just need to be sure I don't get too "desperate."

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