Sunday, August 17

Jeez, NBC, share the love

I get that Michael Phelps is an amazing swimmer. And I appreciate his tremendous achievement. And this is, in no way, a negative post about him. It is, though, a commentary on how Phelps-centric NBC was during its coverage last night. I speak specifically about the medal ceremony after the relay last night. Yes, it was Phelps' eighth gold medal. But I know for a fact that three other guys won that race, too. And what about those guys? Brendan Hansen, Jason Lezak and Aaron Peirsol were standing on the podium while the national anthem was being played, as well. I'm irritated with the coverage director who decided that the best course of action was to pin a camera on Phelps throughout the entire anthem, without a single wide angle or pan to Phelps' left at all. Through the entire song, we were forced to stare at Phelps' smile, and not a second of coverage of the other guys. Brian and I both had the same thought, "What the hell? Where are the other racers? Aren't they there?" I'm not even a member of their families, and I'm indignant about this! Of course, Phelps is a classier guy than NBC (really, not difficult), and gave plenty of props to his teammates in every interview after the race. Bad form, NBC, bad form. You should do better.

1 comment:

-T. said...

Yah, I am totally with you on that. We had the same thought. I get it - Micheal Phelps is great. But here's one for you - have you SEEN the Mark Spitz interviews?!! WOW, there is a guy who can't stop talking about his own greatness. Let's hope we aren't setting Micheal Phelps up for a similar ego, as he seems to be a genuine guy.