Tuesday, August 5

I don't think I had blue though ... or did I?

I'm just as tired, but I'm actually feeling a bit better about my little corner of the world tonight. And most of that is due to one simple thing: moving the puppy's "apartment" into a different area of the place. It was, until tonight, in the kitchen, taking up half of the kitchen. It was impossible to maneuver around, and even worse to stretch over every time I needed something from Sydney's snack and food cabinets. Then, this evening, I had an epiphany, and Katy helped me put it into action. The puppy's apartment is now in a more convenient and aesthetically pleasing location: the corner of the living room. Yay! Really, I'm loving it there, and it's made my whole head a bit calmer.
Random aside: There is one of the loudest and most lightning-filled monsoons going on outside right now. It's awesome. Oliver's hiding from the thunder, but I've been darting outside pretty regularly to check it out. A storm like this is the only decent thing about an Arizona summer.
Okay, so this is something that only a few of my oldest friends (and Mom) will appreciate, but here it is: I saw this display of brightly colored Reebok hightops in a Journey's this weekend, and simply had to take its picture. Brian wouldn't let me go in to see them or see how much they cost, so all I have is this excellent, if reflective, image to run with as a topic. Check the colors, my friends! Notice the Velcro straps at the top! See how the Reebok name is the same color as the shoe! No kidding and full disclosure, I had at least two pairs of these hightops in seventh and eighth grade. Definitely the green, though my pinkish ones were a dark shade of magenta. My yellow shoes were lowtops, so that's a difference, but as a whole, this is about as colorful as my shoe selection was during that period of my life. And I thought I was the shit for it, too. Who couldn't be cool when they're wandering around in light green hightops with Velcro?! Sweet!!

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