Sunday, January 6

Pirate fantasies encouraged

Sometimes, I think it must be somewhat cool to be an 8-year-old boy in today's world. Witness this bed, one of the most fantastic things to ever be shown on a Costco floor. It's a pirate ship!! How frickin' cool is that?!? Seriously, I read the box itself to find out if it was available in a queen. (Alas, it is only for people sleeping in twin beds.) And I took two pictures of it to be sure I got the right angle to catch not only the bow but the flag as well. I like the whole Pirates of the Caribbean thing going on, but I am totally digging this simply being a pirate ship bed. Talk about your theme bedrooms. I love this. I don't even know how much it is. I didn't look. I don't care. It's worth every penny. Argh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That bed is perfect for your cousin Amanda.