Tuesday, January 8

A Big Bird cake

It's not very often that I come across a picture of my Gramps and I that I've never seen. Or at least that I can't remember ever having seen before. And here one is, courtesy of Daddy and the never-ending box of my Grandma's photos.
I don't know how old I am here, but I love that I'm clearly frightened of my birthday cake, and that he is obviously giving my concerns all of his attention. I dig that so much about this photo. How many of the other adults in the room were silently giggling at my ridiculous fear of a cake? But then there's my Gramps, seemingly explaining that, "Kimmie, the cake is just a cake shaped like a bird. Your mom worked really hard on this, so don't be afraid of it, okay? C'mon. It's made of chocolate. How bad can it be if it's chocolate?"

Damn, you guys, my Gramps rocked the house. Oh, how I wish I could introduce him to my baby girl.

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