Monday, November 12

Mel B. wins it all

Since I clearly can not count on the rest of you all to have the same sense that I do when it comes to celebrities in ridiculous outfits performing dance on live television, I went ahead and voted for Dancing with the Stars tonight. I really have Brian's friend, Dave, to thank for it, since he called while B and I were watching Heroes, and I paused the show so they could talk and thereby got to watch DWTS. And with that, I got to watch some dancing and thereby sail into my virtual voting booth with some knowledge in my head as to who should win this thing.
And it will be Mel B. who walks away with the disco ball trophy. Barring any crazy dance-related meltdowns, she'll be the celebrity who takes it to the end. She'll also be the first celebrity female to win since the first season. And she deserves it, quite frankly. She rocks this competition.

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