Sunday, September 30

Trick or treat

Have I told you lately how much I love Halloween? I mean, I love this holiday. It is, with the exception of Christmas (of course), the best day in the year. People (well, at least the cool ones) dress up in crazy, fun, exciting, awkward and interesting outfits, go out walking around at night and knocking on strangers' doors, and get candy for saying three little, magic words. The fact that this day evolved at all, let alone that it is rooted in paganism, convinces me that there is a guiding force in the universe, and that force has an awesome sense of irreverence and humor, as well as a sweet tooth.
So tomorrow I think I will decorate my house for this most awesome of holidays. I bought a second Halloween-colored storage bin for the additional Halloween decorations that I've bought throughout the year. I picked up some fun little nuggets here and there. Of course, I don't really remember what they are right now, but they are all wrapped and stowed in the closet ... making Halloween kind of like Christmas after all.
But I won't buy any more candy. I've eaten too much already.

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