Thursday, August 9

Observations from the office; 10:22 p.m.

This week has gone by,
quickly and oppressively slow at the same time.
I look forward to the weekend,
Bourne is in our future.
  • Oliver is lying outside the doorway. Just close enough to be completely aware of what Brian and I are both doing the entire time he's prone, but still closer to me, as well as far from the rollers beneath my chair.
  • The wireless Internet is, again, not working properly, so I'm blogging to you connected by cable, and even worse, on Brian's computer because mine will simply not acknowledge anything other than wireless right now. What did I say the other night about technology being, on occasion, a big, fat waste? It's sucking a super-sized turd lately.
  • I just pulled out Brian's big book of limericks. I thought that a fun one might be just the thing for tonight. I was quite wrong. They're all really dirty, and I don't want to have that kind of stuff on here! They're much better told in person anyway.

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