Friday, January 19

A lack of idolatry

I like that I'm one of the 17 people in the country who does not watch, nor care about, American Idol. I have no interest in the competition, or the hysteria, associated with the show; I don't care about any feuds or gossip involved with Simon, Paula, Randy and Ryan; and I am not about to vote for which pop-culture, 15 minutes of fame, will sell no records in the future, "singer" that may or may not win. It scares me a little, actually, this obsession that this country has with this show. Will it ever end? I mean, Survivor has been monopolizing the television airwaves for years. What's this, the 11th or 12th incarnation coming up? American Idol looks to be around for a while, too, if it's deserted-island predecessor in reality is any indication.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make that 18 people Babe!!!!