Tuesday, January 16


So who watched the Golden Globes last night? What an interesting mix of absolute predictability and award-show semi-fun. Brian hit the nail on the head when he told me, "Well, you can tell that they're the 'foreign' press, because everything they've honored is British or about a foreign country." He is so freakishly right sometimes.
If the honoree wasn't British, they weren't winning. Did you all notice that? And with no upsets in any of the movie categories, Oscar night is looking like it could be the most boring ceremony in years. Forest Whitacker and Helen Mirren were the favorites, and both won; Martin Scorsese (yay!); Babel; The Queen; random mini-series that I've not seen; and Dreamgirls (which, tell me, has anyone seen that movie?).
Evening highlights: Meryl Streep's speech; Hugh Laurie's comments on getting stuff for free, but no speeches (his speech was awesome, too); Jack Nicholson holding court for everyone; Brad and Angelina in public; Alec Baldwin (we watched 30 Rock for the first time the other week; it's become a DVR staple); Scorsese's props to Leonardo; and the Mexican producer's "I've got papers" crack to Governor Arnold.
Evening lowlights: that awful woman asking America Ferrara what she would say to the people who did not want her to be Ugly Betty; Tom Hanks' irritating introduction ("balls" too many times) and Warren Beatty's rambling; Jeremy Irons saying he doesn't remember anyone; Borat; Globes producers playing off the last five award winners after letting everyone at the beginning of the show talk as long as they wanted; Grey's Anatomy; Courtney Cox's straight black hair; and Governor Arnold presenting the final award of the evening, and using that same old tired phrase.

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