Wednesday, January 24

Call me "Madame Optimist"

I didn't watch the State of the Union address. I don't really care too much about what this president has to say. I think that approximately 85 percent of what comes out of the man's mouth is untrue. I do like that he had to say, "Madame Speaker," when addressing the Congress's leader. It's a positive thing to have a woman in a position of such power in the country.
I used to always say that I would be the first female president. I won't be, that's quite obvious, but I keep hoping that I'll at least see a female president in my lifetime. That woman certainly won't be Hillary Clinton -- she's too polarizing. But really, I don't think that the people of this country are ready for a president with ovaries. We've got too many voters in this country who consider a position of that much power to be strictly male. (In this instance, once again, England shows itself our parent by working ahead of our curve, witness Margaret Thatcher.) Only the passing of time will eventually bring a woman into the Oval Office, just as it has the head chair in Congress.

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