Wednesday, August 2

August avatar

Back into the swing of things, I present to you the August avatar.
She is, of course, comfortably ensconced in her new apartment, with cozy furnishings around her. This is not me yet, but will be, I hope, some time late next week. Seriously, I'm ready for my stuff to get here and to get started finding places to put everything!
Okay, what's up with Mel Gibson? Did I call it or not when I told all of you that a religious zealot who lives his life based on The Passion, is a person taking a dangerous walk on the wild side of sanity. And now, his own actions have brought him crashing back to earth, where the real people are. Did you read his apology? Press relations brilliance, if completely without merit and sincerity. The mug shot cracks me up, as do the pics of him drinking and hugging all the girls at the bar. This is a real family man, isn't it? Whatever. He lost me with The Passion, and will likely never get any of my movie money again.
Also in entertainment news, Heath Ledger has signed on to play The Joker in the next installment of the Batman movies. To tell you the truth, I'm pretty excited about this casting. I love that the superhero movies are skewing younger. It gives me something prettier to look at.


Anonymous said...

Mel Gibson~~ Yes,he crashed to earth and the real people pounded him deeper into it.

-T. said...

Heathe Ledger as the JOKER? Why cover that BEAUTIFUL face with makeup?! Please don't!!
I'm with you on Mel...zealots have it coming to them...unlike those of us who live with our sins proudly "out" there for all to appreciate! At least it won't make the paper...cuz it isn't news =)