Friday, June 30

No, no ... she's sleeping

Kimberly's disturbing giggle for the day:
An 80-year-old woman in Cleveland was served with a search warrant for building, housing and health code violations. When the police knocked on her door, she told them that they couldn't come in, because her mother was sleeping. The officers convinced her that they would be quiet, and she finally allowed them access. The woman's mother, come to find out, was a three years' dead skeleton in a bed.
What's the least bit funny here? Say, yours truly goes a little bit mad in her old age, while, of course, living with her mother. Could you not see me becoming this crazy woman who will not, NOT, let anyone take away her mommy? I'd go into the room every day, I'm sure, tell her the latest news, maybe read an amusing blog post, and then quietly close the door, and go about the rest of my daily chores.
I told Mom about it, and really, the fact that I just might lose my mind to such a degree had us in a fit of giggles on the phone this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this morning?? no,no,no my dear child...I am still giggling and enjoying the thoughtfulness and sincerity!